Communion Party

Celebrate your child’s First Holy Communion with a party for all your friends and family. Discover gorgeous pink, blue and neutral Communion party themes. Shop communion balloons and decorations including matching invitations and party favours.

Celebrate your child’s First Holy Communion with a party for all your friends and family. Discover gorgeous pink, blue and neutral  Communion party themes. Shop communion balloons and decorations including matching invitations and party favours.


In-store balloon inflation - €2.25 each

All balloons are supplied deflated. The majority of products on this site are available for online purchase only. Please contact your local store for in-store availability. Prices may vary in-store.

In-store balloon
inflation - €2.25 each

All balloons are supplied deflated. The majority of products on this site are available for online purchase only. Please contact your local store for in-store availability. Prices may vary in-store.